
Fishtoe iPhone Apps:

SAT 600:


GRE 600:


TOEFL 800:


App Description:

This app comes in three separate versions, all of which contain a simple and effective deck of vocabulary flashcards that will help prepare you for different exams. Each app is specifically tailored to the respective exam (SAT/ACT, GRE, or TOEFL/IELTS) and contains 600-800 important vocabulary words routinely included in that particular exam. The vocabulary flashcards in each app contain the word’s definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms, usage examples, and (if available) etymology (root) of the relevant word. In addition, there are translations for English to Chinese, Spanish, Japanese and Korean languages, a feature particularly helpful for ESL (English as a Secondary Language) students. After studying a given word/flashcard, the word can tested in a quiz.

Tap to download the free app:

SAT 600
GRE 600

Scan the QR code to download the free app:

Tap to see the word list:

SAT 600 word list
GRE 600 word list
TOEFL 800 word list

Support Contact:

Any suggestions to improve our app would be greatly appreciated. To report software bugs or issues, please send us an email at (with Subject: SAT 600 (v1.0) - iOS version and type of the device.). Currently, we only support iOS 16.5 or later.